My First Presidential Election!
How was the last election for you? For me, it was very memorable for so many reasons. This is actually my first time to participate in a presidential election. It felt so great that you were able to cast your vote and let your voice be heard by choosing those people who you think deserving enough to lead our country. Voting is the most important way to make your voice heard on the issues that concern you and it gives you an opportunity to be part of decision-making that affects your life. This is the reason why it is very important for us to vote as it is our right and our way to make a difference. Interestingly, the voter turnout for this year’s election was truly overwhelming that more than 80% of the 54.4 million registered voters exercised their right of suffrage.
Another reason why this election was truly memorable is because I was able to become a part of the PPCRV (Parish Pastoral Council For Responsible Voting) as a pollwatcher. The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) is a non-partisan, non-sectarian non-profit organization affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines that works to ensure free, fair and fraud-free elections in the Philippines. PPCRV’s activity includes advocating for electoral reforms, conducting parallel manual auditing in automated elections, coordinating parishes to conduct poll-watching, providing legal assistance related to elections and more. As a poll watcher, my job is to observe the conduct of the election inside the polling place. It wasn’t that tough yet still a crucial role I must say. It was such a rewarding experience for me and I don’t mind to be part of it again next election!