36th Intramuros Grand Marian Procession 2015 Part 4 #IGMP2015 #GMP2015

AAAAASDDFinally, here’s the concluding part of my entry. I will share the remaining Marian images that I was able to capture during the event. As a Marian devotee, the annual Grand Marian Procession in Intramuros is probably one of the most awaited religious event. Please be mindful that even though there were over hundred of images here, we are only referring to one and that is Mary, the mother of our savior Jesus Christ. There were so many titles given to Mary and most of them were based on how she was depicted in the Bible and some of her notable apparitions. So without any further ado, let’s conclude our Marian images taken from the recently held 36th Grand Marian Procession. ZCXDFGFFOur Lady of Hope


Virgen del Santisimo Rosario de MalabonZCXDFGFF

Mary Mirror Of JusticeZCXDFGFF

Our Lady of Solitude of Porta VagaZCXDFGFF

Our Lady of Solitude of ManilaZCXDFGFF

Our Lady of GuadalupeZXZXDSSD

Nuestra Señora Dela Esperanza Macarena (taken last year)ZXCFEFFLa Inmaculada Concepcion (taken last year)

ZXDSDFFAnd… here’s my only decent picture during the event. Thanks to Sir Roj Contemprato (my HS Classmate) whom I met during the event ^_^


One thought on “36th Intramuros Grand Marian Procession 2015 Part 4 #IGMP2015 #GMP2015

  • December 15, 2015 at 2:28 pm

    now i am thinking.. you must be extremely busy during the procession because you have been so engaged and engrossed in taking photos of each and every image there!! luckily you bumped into your high-school classmate and took a photo, else i guess we won’t be lucky enough to see a photo of the recent you huh?? hehehe~~


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