Yapak Procession of Soledad

An hour after the Procession of the Sto Entierro, the local residents of Cavite City started to gather once again for the Yapak Procession for the Nuestra Señora Dela Soledad De Porta Vaga (the patroness of Cavite). Our Lady of Porta Vaga is also known as the “Exalted Patroness and the Celestial Guardian and Protectress of the Province of Cavite and its Port” and is enshrined at San Roque Parish Church Cavite City.
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It has been a tradition for the Caviteños to held the so-called “Prusisyon Silencio” or the “procession of silence” every Good Friday. In this highly anticipated event, the people usually wears black and they will be walking in barefoot thus it is known as the “Yapak Procession”.
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Traditionally, instead of using “Carosa”, the altar of the Porta Vaga is being carried by a group of devotees all through out the procession. The event was also being recreated during the annual Grand Marian Procession. It is indeed a very solemn procession to commemorate with Jesus’ death.
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This is also the last event for the Good Friday.
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