[VIDEO] Cosplay Mania 2016
Have you been to Cosplay Mania this year? Cosplaymania or Cosmania is one of the biggest cosplay convention here in the Philippines and it is being held every year. Cosmania was the first ever convention I have attended way back in 2012 and since them, I have been patronizing this convention as it brings out the inner geek in me! Unfortunately, I have missed the convention last year due to my conflicting schedule but I’m glad I was able to make it this year (too bad I didn’t get a chance to cosplay due to some costume-making delays). Anyway, I will post more of my Cosplay Mania 2016 experience in my future entries (which includes the photos) but for the mean time, feel free to watch this video summary that I made!Make sure to watch the video in HD
I wasn’t able to attend this year’s Cosplay Mania. I try to attend every year even if I don’t cosplay though. I’ve cosplayed from 2007 to 2012, on and off; and even if I don’t cosplay anymore. I still love attending cons.
I just watched the video~ The con is paacked as usual and I saw a lot of new faces as well!I assume the cosplay performers on stage are contestants of the group cosplay contest. It seems so much better from the last time I attended with the effects, or is it because of your amazing videography skill? Haha. Either way, it looks realistic!