Mira’s Crafts

Remember the Bag made by my sister from her old clothes and my checkered Scarf which is by the way she took without my permission ? LOL. Well, i think she’s making some more because i saw her yesterday preparing some of her sewing materials. Mirasol is currently taking her summer vacation and she’s grabbing this opportunity to make some art crafts for us. It’s been awhile now since she last shared an art craft for our Art Blog (Our Little Corners). She’s been very busy in her school lately because she has to gather all her teacher’s signatures for her school clearance. It is mandatory for all students so she really has no choice but to finish it first. Anyway, i’m glad that she’s back on the tract now and ready for some action! I am planning to give her a month-long theme just to showcase all her crafts. She told us that her crafts will be more of Sewing, Embroidering and Cross Stitching.

Obviously, it’s gonna be an all girly stuffs next month but that’s pretty fine with me since our art blog is open for everyone regardless of their gender so please do watch out for that. Speaking of that embroidering and cross stitching, we discovered a newly opened shop near us which will make it easy for us to buy all the materials that we need like the threads, Beads, silks, and more! We also found some old wooden beads and buttons too.

These are the same beads that Mirasol used for her Tee Bags. They really came in handy and they also made her project more appealing! That’s all for now, will buzz more about her projects soon.

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