Cavite City Celebrates the Feast Day of Our Lady of Solitude of Porta Vaga

Cavite City recently celebrated the annual Feast day of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Solitude of Porta Vaga. Our Lady of Porta Vaga is not just the patroness of Cavite City but of all the provinces in Cavite and is one of the well know Marian devotion in the country. It is actually a two-week celebration which usually begins in the second Sunday of November (the Primera Fiesta) and will conclude on the third Sunday.IMG_0254tThe celebration started with daily Novena mass for the Lady but the festivities began last Friday. A motorcade was held last Friday. Much like last year, the parade of vehicles started from El Palacio hotel in Noveleta and passed through different streets in Cavite. Many locals from different church organization and devotees participated in this event.IMG_0065tIMG_0081tIMG_0099tSaturday marks the “bisperas” of the Fiesta where two “caracol” are being held.  Caracol or Karakol is a traditional devotional-circumambulatory-dancing procession in honor of the patroness accompanied by a joyful music in the waltz rhythm played by a brass band. This is the exact opposite of the “Prusisyon Silencio” or “Silent Procession” where the image is being paraded solemnly every Lent or even in Grand Marian Procession which will be done this coming 4th of December in Intramuros.IMG_0141tThere are two sets of Caracol. The first one is done in the morning where the image will be carried by a boat and will be sailed towards the bay of Canacao. It is better known as the “Caracol Del Mar” or Karakol by the sea. Cañacao Bay is the place  where the apparition took place.IMG_0197tThe second Caracol was held in the afternoon where the image will be paraded on the streets of Cavite. She will be carried by a huge andas which is adorned with flamboyant decorations.IMG_0207tIMG_0214tIMG_0219tIt was actually a long parade but for devotees, finishing the caracol from the beginning to end is nothing more but spiritually rewarding.IMG_0282tThe caracol passed through three different churches. After the mass held in Cabuco, it passed through the Saint Peter The Apostle Parish and then followed by the San Antonio de Padua Church. It concluded in San Roque Parish Church where the real image was enshrined.IMG_0293tThe Primera Fiesta begins on the second Sunday. A special concelebrated mass was held in morning in San Roque Parish Church and followed by many other festivities. Caviteños will usually fill their tables with many dishes and the streets will be filled with many colorful decorations and events.
IMG_0396tA fiesta will not be completed without the yummy “Ube” (Purple Jam) and other sweet delicacies by Caviteño such as Leche Plan, Macapuno, Sweet Beans, Casava Cake and more. (Don’t forget the creamy salads as well)IMG_0336tPancit Canton IMG_0357tLumpiang SariwaIMG_0367tPork MenudoIMG_0372t And Enseladang Ampalaya are just few of the dishes we had on our table during the fiesta.

The Feast for Our Lady of Solitude of Porta Vaga here in Cavite City is not yet over. The Novena masses are still on going and the Second Fiesta is nearly approaching. A Replica Procession will be held on the 20th and so as the Grand Marian Procession.

Feel free to check my video below

One thought on “Cavite City Celebrates the Feast Day of Our Lady of Solitude of Porta Vaga

  • November 22, 2016 at 1:07 pm

    It is a feast of Our Lady unheard of over here.


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