Our Little Corners : LOWCOST DIY Infinity Gauntlet

The much awaited and highly anticipated Avengers: Infinity War finally premieres today! We decided to create our first art project in relation with this movie and we cannot think of anything more appropriate than the infamous Infinity Gauntlet. My siblings and I have been trying to revive our art blog (Our Little Corners) but we never get the chance to create any art projects because of our busy schedules (work, schooling and stuffs).

Although this blog is merely about travel and food, I decided to have this as a new platform for our crafts which will all be labeled as “Our Little Corners” projects. Anyway, without any further ado, we came up with a fun and easy project that you can create for you or for your kids. It is a Do It Yourself Infinity Gauntlet using cheap and affordable materials.

Materials Needed:

•3 Empty Coke Bottles (1.5, 1.75 or 2L bottles)
•Gold Farbric (Glossy) 1/2 Yard (Or if you have old gold dress)
•Yellow Nylon Cord (5 yards)
•Colorful clear flat marbles (You need 6 assorted colors)
•Glue gun and Glue stick
•Super Glue
•Gold Thread
•Gold Split Pins
•Yellow Glove (if not available, you can use White Glove and dye it with Yellow Dye Powder)


1.Take the empty bottles and draw the patterns. Kindly refer the image shown below. You will need three bottles for all the patterns.
2. Cut out the first, second and third patterns. Nine of the ten strip patterns (2nd set) should be turned into rings that would fit your fingers. Just form a ring and attach both ends using glue stick. Take note that the melted glue stick should not be too hot, otherwise, it will melt the plastic.
3. Cover all the patterns with gold fabric. Attach them using glue. White glue also works fine!
4. Each finger should have 2 rings (except the thumb which only has one). Attach the rings together using gold thread. Set them aside. The last strip (refer the the data above) should be attached between the palm and thumb area of the gauntlet. (check the image below)
5. The third pattern (the bigger belt-like strip) should be attached to the lower portion of the gauntlet. Attach the pattern using Split pins. The second (floral-like) pattern, on the other hand, should be attached on the dorsal area of the gauntlet using glue stick.
6. Using the yellow nylon cord, outline all the edges. Attach the cord using Superglue. Also attach the flat marbles on their respective areas (at the bottom of each finger). The sixth marble should be placed on the middle part of the dorsal.
7. Outline each gem with Nylon Cord. Also if you have no yellow glove, better start dyeing the glove now.
8. Tadah! You’re done! For the finger rings, you can tie them with your fingers (already wearing glove) using gold thread. Make sure they are tight enough to prevent the rings from falling off.
9. Here’s how the gauntlet is being assembled.

Total Cost of the Project

•Nylon Cord 5 Yards Php25 (5Php/Yard)
•Glue Stick 3 pieces Php10
•SuperGlue Php10
•Split Pins Php10
•Gold Fabric / Bottles – Recycled
•Flat Marbles Php35/bag
=Php90 ($1.72)

Feel free to watch the video below and don’t forget to subscribe to check more of our future art projects.

2 thoughts on “Our Little Corners : LOWCOST DIY Infinity Gauntlet

  • May 4, 2018 at 1:12 am

    Thanos may be looking for this, LOL! But really, very ingenious and creative. And the materials aren’t that hard to find. Great job on the gauntlet there. 🙂

  • May 12, 2018 at 6:51 pm

    Alas! Thanos is just in the country and you made a move on his gauntlet already! Hahaha! It’s always nice to read about arts, crafts, and DIY stuff every once in a while. I enjoyed reading this since it made me miss my art materials all of a sudden. I strive to reunite with my materials very soon.


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