Fra Lippo Lippi Live in Manila

Valentines Day is about to come and i know most of you have plans already. Unfortunately, i have to exclude myself from these happily engaged people who will be celebrating their Valentines day together. Can I have some tissue please….! Anyway, i will not be too dramatic today. I will not tell you guys that i am still single for almost a year now and i am desperately looking for that very special girl! LOL! I love being single because i can do things that i want and i have no responsibilities or commitment to fulfilled. Maybe i am not ready yet! Haha! Valentines Day is one of the most memorable day in my life! This is the day when my first ever girl friend accepted  my proposal and have her as my GF. Awww….. reminiscing… haha…! Anyway, if you are planning to set a date this coming February 14, then better   take your girl on the upcoming Fra Lippo Lippi Concert which will be held at the NBC Tent at The Fort. I am a big fan of this band and i love most of their hits including “Beauty and Madness“, “Everytime I See You“, “Shouldn’t Have to Be Like That“, “Distance between Us” and “Later“. The Price of the ticket ranges from P1500 to P4000. Not bad for a very special event right?

3 thoughts on “Fra Lippo Lippi Live in Manila

  • January 19, 2011 at 5:52 am

    No girlfriend? So it'll be a lonely Valentine's Day for you? Haha! You can enjoy Valentine's Day with all the singles out there! : )

    • January 20, 2011 at 4:26 am

      Happy Valentine's Day sa ating lahat!


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