Old Tapes
We were just cleaning the stock room yesterday when we found some cool stuffs inside. We found some old issue of magazines and some old tapes too. Here i grab some photos
Here we found some old cassette tapes. Too bad we do not have Cassette tape player to play these tapes. We got an original Tracy Chapman Tape and a bck to back copy of Engelbert Humperdick and Frank Sinatra Singles which also comes up with a small booklet containing the lyrics of their songs.
And here are some VHS tapes. (I wonder if there’s still people who’s playing VHS tapes nowadays). Well, in fairness with the tapes, they are pretty cool movies. We got Titanic, Dead Again, Philadelpia, Execution of Justice, Willow and more!
I also found a 1974 copy of Reader’s Digest. Will make a separate post for it. Have a great day guys and happy blogging