How to Update Your Address With The Social Security Office

Have you moved recently? Are you collecting social security benefits?

If so, then you should notify the Social Security Administration (SSA) of your new address as soon as you can. Failure to update your address with the SSA may lead to your benefits being suspended. Even if you don’t currently receive social security benefits, you can still change your address to ensure that you continue receiving other notices from the SSA.
The SSA gives you three options to update your address. You can do it online, by visiting a Social Security office, or via a phone call to the SSA. Let’s explore each option, so you can easily choose the one that works best for you. This information would also be helpful if you are enrolled in Medicare.

  1. Updating Your Address at the Social Security Office

If you have the time, or just prefer talking to someone face to face when changing your address, then you might want to visit your local Social Security office.

The biggest advantage of visiting the social security office is that you’ll know that every detail has been recorded correctly. You can even request a printout that you can use to prove your address change.

If you choose this option, however, you should be ready to deal with the long lines, which can eat up a lot of your time.

  1. Updating Your Address Through a Phone Call

If you dread lining up or you don’t have the time to make a trip to a social security office, you can opt to make a simple phone call.  The SSA can update your address information over the phone.

You don’t have to waste time at a social security office. It’s advisable to call your local office rather than calling the Social Security main phone line. This can significantly reduce your wait time.

  1. Updating Your Social Security Address Online

This is the easiest, fastest, and the most convenient way to update your address with the SSA. You can do it from anywhere provided you have a PC and an internet connection. It will take you just a few clicks, and you’ll be done changing your address in a few minutes.

Moreover, you’ll be able to confirm the address change immediately. It’s worth noting that you must have an account with Social Security to be able to update your address online. There are other agencies such as US Filing Services that can help you change your address if you are unable to do it for any reason.


If you receive social security benefits and you have relocated to a new place, it is imperative that you inform the SSA of your new address. You can update your address with the SSA by visiting the nearest social security office, making a call to the SSA, or online. You run the risk of having your benefits suspended if you don’t update your address information accordingly. It’s worth noting that changing your address is also necessary if you are enrolled in Medicare.

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