A Day At The National Museum Of The Philippines
Sarimanok by Abdulmari Asia Imao
Mauro Malang Santos “How Does Malang Paint?”. These are shot glasses mounted on sought from the artist by the National Museum.
Fishes by Abdulmari Asia Imao
Sarimanok by Abdul Mari Asia ImaoOne of the Philippine Flags that were raised in 1946 in one of the events for the inauguration of President Manuel Roxas.
Well preserved magazines, books and documents related to Manuel Roxas’ presidency. “Bondage” by Papo De Asis
“Arko ng Pagkakaisa Para sa Kalayaan” by Edgar Talusan Fernandez“Congratulations to the Liberal Democrats” by Paolo Baens Santos
“In Supplication, Couraged Is Hoped For” by Imelda Cajipe Endaya
Diwata looks very beautiful. I did not know mueseums could be so interesting. I don’t like visiting meuseums much but that’s the best place to gather some knowledge while looking at gorgeous things. I think I need to start visiting museums more.
I’m not a history buff but I do appreciate things like this. This is one of the things I miss in recent trip to Manila. Thank you for giving us a meaty information and a visually appetizing tour of the National museum mate. Keep more post comin’ !
cheers! http://www.masterryo.wordpress.com
One of the gems in Manila. Let’s all patronise this and keep its value! No reason not to go as it always give free admission or even so, the fee is certainly worth it.
I usually never visit Museum but your post and pics makes me think otherwise. I always thought they might be little boring place but I guess your post made me change my mind !!!
spolarivm. Truly one of the country’s treasures. I hope schools would choose this museum for their educational field trip in order for students to learn the values our national artists would like to impart.
I love Museums. There is something so amazing about learning history. The art takes you to a place where you can imagine being there.
I am not also into museums but seeing this post proves how rich our history is. I love the artworks though. Let us indeed patronize museums like this!
So envious of your photos! Great shots. I remembered the time when we went there, just simply amazing!
Mariaisquixotic || http://mariaisquixotic.com
This museum seems really interesting. I love learning more about history. And since I have been reading more Filipino blogs because of the Facebook group, I am curious to learn more about the history of the Philippines. I hope I get to visit the country soon!
Whoah! I didn’t know that the museum collects and preserves these kinds of stuff here. And if the museum is just one ride away from home, I won’t be hesitant of visiting it for the entire month of May! Being able to avail free admission, this time, is rare most especially if it happens in precious places like this. Thanks for making a post about this movement done by the national museum. People should be aware of this offer at least they will be able to bring along with them their family, friends, and even colleagues.
A truly fascinating and enjoyable ways to discover this place with so much to offer within your knowledge. It’s the way of exploring something beautiful inside of you. Your way of appreciating things like this post is truly amazing.
I haven’t seen the National Museum yet and I think I should really schedule a visit soon as there are a lot of historical pieces here.
I can’t remember when was the last time I’ve been there but surely it was long time ago, I wish to revisit and see this fascinating artworks
yeah, same here…I have not seen this museum yet..maybe I should schedule to see this place at least once
i’ve been longing to go here (again). the last time i think is when i was in gradeschool. i really have to find time. your photos look better now, btw.
Wow, never knew we have something like this. I should really visit one soon, I have been visiting museums of other countries, except mine.
Unfortunately, I have never been to the National Museum yet but I would love to visit sometime. What I would want to see would be the Spoliarium. This one has been intriguing me ever since and the interest even heightened after the Juan Luna movie. Definitely included in my travel bucket list.
I’m fond of visiting museums, too. And National Museum is indeed one of the beautiful museums I’ve been to! I really love their painting galleries being a frustrated painter myself. Seeing Spoliarium made me speechless!
I recently visited National Museum with my friends. It was my first time. I was not really into visiting museums, but it turned out to be the contrary. It had piqued my interests in artworks.
I’ve never been here yet! I’d love to take my son with me here! It looks nice!
Ohh, so NM os offering free admission again, cool! Check also the other building bro, madami pa inspiring artefacts there there.
Beautiful photographs!! and a nice detailed post!! I am a historic buff and love to visit museums too!
Awwwee, I miss going there whenever I have free time in school. It’s just across PNU, haha. That’s why my friends and I go and enjoy the arts made by Filipino artists.
I’ve never been in National Museum. The Spolarium painting is amazing. I wanna see it live too. Maybe when I see that painting, I will be a bit emotional because that reflects how Heneral Luna died in the arms of soldiers.
I can’t get tired of the Spoliarium, as well as Luna’s and Hidalgo’s works. I think it’s good theres a rekindling of interest in art of our national artists, which I think is partly sparked by last year’s movie, Heneral Luna. That being said, even if the National Museum is beautiful I think the government still can do better in maintaining and occupying the museum–I think it’s still pretty sparse for its capacity.