A Visit To Kamay Ni Hesus : Father Faller And The Healing Church
Devotees do not just flock to Kamay Ni Hesus because of its life sized Via Dolorosa Grotto but they are also seeking for spiritual enlightenment or possibly to be miraculously physically healed by Father Joseph Faller in his Kamay Ni Hesus Healing Church but I noticed during his mass that he often address it as the Kamay Ni Hesus Healing Dome. Before taking you inside the church, allow me to give you a brief information about the well known healing priest.
Born in Lucban Quezon, Philippines on June 19, 1964. Ordained priest at St. Ferdinand Cathedral in Lucena City on September 9, 1989. He finished his theological studies at St. Alphonsus Regional Seminary, Lucena City as Magna Cum Laude.
Fr. Joey believes that God is working doudly hard nowadays to bring about healing-physically, emotionally and most especially spiritually. He is fully aware of God’s presence in him, and now he was used as an instrument of God’s love through the gift of healing, the body, the mind, and the spirit. In October 1998, an International Charismatic Congress was held in Rome, and Fr. Joey attended the event. It was during that time, that he and Charles Whitehead, President of the International Catholic Charistmatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) had a vision. They saw a big building filled with many people who have different kinds of illnesses. Amidst the crowd, he was there alone, but later realized that God was with him. He felt that through this vision, God was leading him to build a Healing Center for the sick-physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. At first, he did not know how he would be able to realize this vision since he had no financial means, and was not sure if the bishop in their diocese would approve.
But God’s wonders continue to work. After seeking Bishop Ruben T. Profugo’s approval, who did not only say yes, but even offered a piece of land in Lucena where the healing center can be constructed. (source: http://www.healingeucharistinc.com/fr-joseph-joey-a-faller/)
A view of the church from the Via Dolorosa Grotto. After the quick mass (the quickest mass I have ever attended haha), Father Faller gave us a brief history about his journey and how he discovered that he has this wonderful gift from God. He was involved in an accident which badly and permanently damaged his hands. Interestingly, his hands resembled the hands of the Little Jesus (“El Senor Sto. Nino”) and of the hands of the risen Christ. Many miracles have been attributed to him and during our visits, he introduced us a professional doctor who can testify one of his miraculous healing. The wife of that doctor had a terminal illness and was diagnosed with a stage 4 cancer. However, after Father Faller offered her a prayer, the lady was scheduled for an operation the following day but surprisingly, the doctors can’t find the huge cyst that they are supposed to remove. It just vanished for no scientific reasons. Since then, the doctor has become a devotee of Kamay Ni Hesus and even asked the healing priest to conduct a mass in their hospital every Sunday! When we were there, the doctor was accompanied by a group of nurses who volunteered themselves to help assisting people during the healing mass. Some people are expected to collapse when being touched by the priest and witnessin such event really gave me goosebumps.
A marker that can be found outside the church! It is also interesting to note, that when you enter the church, a group of people outside will ask you the kind of healing you want to receive. They somehow sort the kind of illness an individual has by color. Orange tag for example is given to those who suffer illness relating to internal organs, White for those couples desperately aiming for a baby and Green is for general healing. We later found out that there are two set of Healing mass. The first one involves the Blessed Sacrament and the long white cloth that will surround and touch those who attended the mass while the other one is an individual pray over where Father Faller will have an individual interaction with the devotees looking for miraculous healing.
The Church’s Nave and Altar.
A Closer look of the altar. It has the image of the Risen Christ on the center and has a huge painting of Saint John The Baptist and Moses on both sides.
On the Sanctuary, you’ll find the image of Our Lady of Remedies
The Church’s bell tower. I can tell you that the mass was really overwhelming. I really went there for this mass and I am also hoping to be healed physically. When that blessed cloth touches me while I was raising both of my arms, i really felt something went thru me. I cannot really explain that feeling but all I know is that I was crying non-stop during the mass!
I really don’t mind visiting this place again! I also encourage you guys to visit this place for your own spiritual enlightenment.
Next Entry : The Via Dolorosa Grotto In Kamay Ni Hesus
Check Out Other posts related to Kamay Ni Hesus series here
The Holy Family Park │The KNH Healing Dome│The Via Dolorosa Grotto│Garden of Eden│What To Buy In Kamay Ni Hesus│Lucban Church
** Kamay Ni Hesus – Hands Of Jesus
I often hear about the power of many churches in your country that has many testimonials on their divine miracles and healing power. I am a firm believer in prayers too.
The statues looked so alive.
Awesome…loved knowing the history of the place…extremwly informative
I come from a religious family and having to know this, I will definitely share this with them. Most probably we will be going here in the future :)) Thanks for this!
My mother would be glad to know this, will tell her about this healing church.
This one is a really beautiful Church. It would be a nice place to visit.
you must be very religious…you have been posting a lot about various churches 🙂
Great place to visit this coming holy week! Will share this to my friends! 🙂
I’ve visited this place last year. I can still remember the steep stairs on the way to the top but the struggle is worth it since you’re welcomed and blessed by the giant image of Jesus. Would love to visit this place again!
– Didi of Frances and Flair
It is a timely post. You gave an idea on where to spend Holy Week for Catholics. Nice photography also.
Wow! This is beyond amazing. I went on a trip to visit a few church in Mauritius last weekend and I was amazed at some of the architecture. Great post! 🙂
I am very much interested on these churches like St. Padre Pio in Batangas and Our Lady of Manaoag in Pangasinan. This place will be our next target. Thanks for sharing. Great photos as well!
– Jing of justjingsjournal.com
Philli[pines is know for Christian faith. Thanks Milton, I have added the church to my to visit places in Philipines.
it has been more than a decade ago since i was in this place last. I sure would like to visit it again with my boys this time around. I hope we can go there soon. My little one will probably have a hard time finishing all the steps but he will surely love the activity!
I love the way you edited the photos. This was an informative post and loved to know the history of this place.
I always visit Kamay ni Hesus whenever I go to Lucban. Lucky me, we have a vacation house there because Lucban is my mom’s province. We also never fail to have a sumptuous lunch at the nearby Palaisdaan after going to Kamay ni Hesus.
My mom would like to go here! Do you mind telling me how to go here?
I had never heard about this place. Looks really interesting. There is so much that I have still to learn
This should be a nice place to visit this Holy Week. Too bad it’s a bit far from where I live. I would love to go though, the church is really beautiful. How did you get to the area though? It looks like it’s on a hill? 🙂
One of the things I like about the Philippines are the stories surrounding religion. We are also lucky to be a home of many old churches
Wow! The article was great!
This is very timely for the coming Holy Week! Aside from the fascinating architecture that churches have, I am amaze to find out the unique stories behind them. Hope to hear more from you. And you have a great collection of write-ups for churches. 🙂
This is such an interesting post, I really love the churches aesthetics, I always find churches have beautiful architecture. For me personally I am in no way religious and honestly I don’t believe in people with healing powers. However one day I may be proven wrong. Thank you so sharing and I’m glad you had a wonderful time which has prompted you to want to return.
will take note this, will visit this soon, it just like in El Salvador in Mizamis oriental a big statue of Divine Mercy.
Paolo | http://www.prlakwatsero.com
An interesting post indeed!! All photos are amazing!! Will visit Kamay ni Hesus this Holy week.
One thing about us Pinoys, is our faith in healing. This is both good and bad. Good bec. faith can really make the impossible possible, and prove the existence of our creator. Bad, because some wise guys are taking advantage our belief and fake the supposedly supernatural act.
I love old churches. They just have so much history. Would love to see this one up close one day.
I always love to study and know history..Coming to the article it’s was aswm