Grow Through Life!

I went to check some notable and famous tweets from celebrities and high profile personalities and I came across this nice quote from Canadian singer, Drake. It was tweeted two years ago and it’s very impressive how they manage to keep this record huh. Anyway, here’s what he tweeted.

Dont Go Through Life… Grow through life

Are you the type of person who used to go with the flow? Following the latest trends, coping up with the latest technology or are you the type of person who has this so called “Come what may” attitude towards life ? Keep in mind guys that we do not live to please other people. We have to be what we are, we have to express what we really feel about ourselves. It is not necessary for us to follow the current flow of life. You may go against it or you may do something that will lift you up from the rest. We have to grow as an individual, nurture your talents, do what you love, and show them your strength.

I think this is what exactly Drake was trying to say. Just like what he did in his career. He started as an actor but eventually went over to conquer the music scene in which he showed off his talent and his versatility as an artist. His first album was a big hit and he’s currently working out with the next one which makes me a bit excited. R & B is not really the type of music I used to listen with but if the lyrics is as good as what he quoted above, then I will definitely buy his album. If you want to check more inspiring quotes by drake, then feel free to check them at  Actually, i went to check the site earlier and I found one of the great quotes by lil wayne so far taken from his hit single “How to Love”. The message goes like this,

You never credit yourself, so when you got older, seems like it came back ten times over.Now youre sittin here in this damn corner lookin through all your thoughts and lookin over your shoulder.

If you think you’ll hear a lot of “F” words from this song, then think again. You’ll see a different side of Lil Wayne here. Check this out and be inspired.

5 thoughts on “Grow Through Life!

  • June 1, 2012 at 1:57 am

    oh, i love this quote too!! very meaningful and inspiring too..

  • June 1, 2012 at 1:58 am

    so now i can always tell this.. "don't go through life, but grow through life"!! yeah, let's celebrate life!! 🙂

  • June 1, 2012 at 1:58 am

    yes, i think there are really a lot of things that we can learn from our day to day life.. by picking up the knowledge and experience, we are growing with life..

  • June 1, 2012 at 1:59 am

    that is why some people are so motivated and inspired to lead a meaningful life right??

  • June 1, 2012 at 1:59 am

    wishing you a great weekend ahead and enjoy it to the max!! 🙂


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