My Fortune This Year!

I was reading the newspaper this morning when i decided to check my horoscope. I was just a bit curious about the fortune that awaits me for this “year of the rabbit.” There’s nothing really interesting about my horoscope except for my love life. It says there that i will get a chance to meet the right girl this year and i better go grab the opportunity. Well, that’s something i am definitely looking forward to! haha.

Over all, my year will be fair and normal. My career be a little bit pressuring this year but i will be able to manage everything. They also said something about my health. According to my horoscope, i should be paying more attention about my health because i will be facing some issues about it this year which makes me a little bit worried.

We have history of heart related problems and i am kinda scared that i might have the same condition too. I think i should start paying attention to what i’m eating. I gained so much weight lately because of the series of occasions like Christmas, New year, my birthday and just recently, we celebrated  mom’s golden birthday. I ate a lot of unhealthy foods which ruined my diet. And now, i have to go back from scratch again. However, this time will be more challenging.

I saw a stretch marks right under my left arm which is so disappointing.

We all know that stretch marks are forever and it is impossible to remove them. I just don’t know if there are surgical treatments now for stretch marks but for sure they will be very expensive. So right now, i have to hit the gym as often as i can, minimize my meals, take dietary supplements and look for effective treatment to reduce stretch marks and make it at least less visible.

I guess exercising and balanced diet are enough to keep me healthy all day!

One thought on “My Fortune This Year!

  • January 13, 2011 at 4:53 am

    I will be fortunate this year if I will have a new job.


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