My Ideal Wedding

Time really run out so fast and I just can’t imagine that 2 months from now, i will turn 22. Yikes! Growing old is something that all of us can’t escape no matter how much beauty and anti-aging products you applied on your face or how much you spend on a cosmetic surgery, you can never stop yourself from getting old. Yes they might help you to look younger but you can never deceived yourself forever.

I’m not getting any younger indeed and i know that the time will come that i will soon think of having a family of my own. I don’t know when will it come but it’s better to prepare myself for it right? In fact, there were times that i am thinking about my wedding, where will it be held and who will be our special guests and more. Well, you can’t blame me for dreaming of y ideal wedding. Let’s just say, it is my way of preparing myself if ever that special event will come to my life. I actually don’t want a luxurious wedding. I want it to be simple yet romantic and unforgettable like those Weddings Vancouver WA has. I saw some photos online and the place is simply stunning which is what i’m exactly dreaming about. Well, i know that i will soon find the right girl for me and i want to be married with her on that very special and romantic venue.

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