State of Mind
We are blessed with freedom of choice. To choose the type of life you will lead is your God-given gift. If this were not so, you would not be capable of expressing individual talents and personality. We are free to choose an affirmative state of mind which, according to Universal principle will manifest the “pleasures” of life or we may choose a negative state of mind, which manifest adversity.
The truth of your being is that God is seeking to express creativity through you, and he does through your mind when you let him. Our mind is an instrument of Divine Intelligence and we should be cognizant of the fact that we are able to do all things through infinite and creative wisdom of your mind.
When you take charge of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs and project them in an affirmative manner, you automatically mold the success pattern of your future. Success is a state of mind. You control the degree of your success by controlling your thoughts. We have the right to choose the way in which we will think, feel and believe. Along with this choice goes the liability of experiencing what you have chosen. It is good insurance to choose to think affirmatively.