17 Most Exciting Booths From ToyConPh2016

AAASSSAAAside from the main stage events that feature performances and live interview from different celebrities and personalities , one of the most entertaining highlights of the ToyConPH2016 are the exhibitors booth. These exhibits are the main reason why people and hardcore toy collectors are patronizing the event. This event allows brands to showcase the best of their products. This year, the event has so much to offer. I really had a blast and now, allow me to list down some of the most exciting and most interesting booths from the recently held Toy convention.

  1. Harley Quinn’s Tattoo Parlor

IMG_0172tYou might have heard the buzz about those badass Suicide Squad-tattoo-themed posters released by their official Twitter account recently. As part of their marketing plan, they even built a real life tattoo parlor dedicated to one of the Suicide Squad members no other than Harley Quinn. Interestingly, ToyCon created the same theme! IMG_0170tThe booth is giving free water based tattoo similar to the Suicide Squad designs they released on Twitter. How cool it is to walk down the convention wearing any of those badass-looking tattoo right? Too bad I didn’t get a chance to have it since the queue was too long and I am wearing long sleeve hoodie that time! ZZZZZZZZZLocated beside the Harley Quinn’s Tattoo Parlor is the life-sized standees of the so-called “worst heroes ever” – the Suicide Squad. The movie is about to hit the theaters this coming August 4 and I’m pretty sure that it is going to be a big hit!

2. Gaming Library
ZZZZZZZWhile most kids today are so engaged with their gadgets (smartphones, tablets and more), Gaming Library booth will show them that there are more interesting things we can play with other than those video games and mobile game apps.  The aim of this very interesting booth is not just to showcase their new table top games but also to revitalize the boardgames in the Philippines. I do believe that it is really about time to bring boardgames back to their former glory.ZZZZZZZZZzaThe booth provide enough space for interested gamers to play boardgames for free. They introduced various card games inspired from different fantasy series like Game of Thrones and other related shows. Their magazine (distributed to every ToyCon goers) also noted that the future of Boardgames in the Philippines is bright considering we now have many boardgame Cafes that brings boardgame playing to an all new level of entertainment.

3. Microcosmic Arts and Crafts (M.A.C)XXXXXXXXThis exhibitor is only occupying a very small space but it doesn’t really matter at all because the product they are showcasing are also miniature. MAC is a company founded by Engr. Jose Israel B, Resurreccion which mainly caters items like miniature terrains and figurines that are mostly inspired from Medieval era. These items are very suitable for tabletop wargaming and dioramas. zzzzzzzzI was really fascinated by their works and I find all those intricate details very impressive. It somehow reminds me of Ragnarok game at some point! The inner kid in me suddenly pops out and I imagined myself playing with these cute figurines like what I used to do when I was a kiddo.
zzzzzzzI wonder how much time it will cost just to make one of these houses.  For those who are wondering, most of the items here are cast from Epoxy Resin.
zzzzzzzzWow, just look at the details! If I can only shrink like Ant-Man, i would love to spend time exploring this place as if you are taken to another dimension or something haha. ZZZZZZZThe price for each piece will vary depending on the size and whether you want to avail those only with primer coating or already painted. The price ranges from Php300 to Php4000 except for the minuature props and creatures which can be availaed for as low as Php50 (feel free to check their site here http://www.microcosmicartsandcrafts.com/)

4. This Booth by “Zaldy”zzzzzzzzI am actually not aware of the shop’s name or it’s probably just a private vintage toy collector. I asked one of their attendants and she told me that their booth is “186-187”. At first I thought, it was an odd name for a shop until I realized that she was just referring to the number of the booth slots they occupied. I later learned that the booth is registered under the name of “Zaldy” but I cannot find any related details to them.ZZZZZZZWhat I really love about this booth is that it offers so much nostalgia that brings so much of my childhood memory. The booth features old school game consoles which are still functioning including a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 1 , Nintendo Super Family Computer and more.ZZZZZZZZJust look at these old yet still in good condition ROM Cartridges!

3 thoughts on “17 Most Exciting Booths From ToyConPh2016

  • July 8, 2016 at 6:22 am

    It looks like an awesome con! I always love all the different booths :). And ofcourse buying stuff. Photo booths are always so much fun! It’s really nice they had one of Kill Bill :). Love that movie.

  • July 8, 2016 at 6:25 am

    I posted my comment a bit to quick (sorry), So I’ll proceed: Love the Peanuts Booth as well. Never seen that one before. So nice.
    I’m a big fan of the Walking Dead, so loved the zombies booth as well! It really looks like an amazing convention.


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