My Bestfriend’s Wedding

Time really run out so fast and I just can’t imagine how many things have changed today! It seems that it was just yesterday when i am playing with Michelle, my childhood friend. We were best friends and we are really that close. Their house is just one block away from us and i used to visit her whenever I have some questions regarding about our home works. But of course, we are not that kid anymore. She took her college at Manila and she decided to stay there for good since her employer is much nearer on her place but then she used to visit her parents here from time to time. The only way that we can keep in touch is through Facebook. That keeps both of us updated to each other.

Okay, before anything else, please don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing cheesy about our relationship. We are best friends and we are happy to keep that relationship forever. She is currently in a relationship and she just announced it last week that she’s now engaged and I am invited to her wedding. I am really happy for her and i wish her all the success in life. She’s really happy right now and I can see it confidently on her face. Well, i will not be surprised if one day, I will received my Baptism invitations from her for her first baby. Yay! That’s very exciting!

Yikes… i just realized that i am not getting any younger and i’m sure one of these days, I will find the right girl for me too! Someone who i can be with forever. Right Chelo? haha I love you Chelo and I am so proud to have you as my best friend…. so excited about your wedding.

2 thoughts on “My Bestfriend’s Wedding

    • May 29, 2011 at 5:59 am

      Nope… none of the above haha… May napili na kasi silang Bestman… at may bridesmaid na rin… will not take any special participation in the wedding… siguro ako na lang sa reception.. hahaha kakantahan ko sila to the max LOL


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