The Role of Legion in Live Via Crucis

After all the preparations we did (see Preparing for Live Via Crucis) , the grand event has finally come. The actual presentations was about to be witnessed and our Legion members were already assigned in our respective stations to assist all the participants. Again, we were assigned for food distribution and each station were given enough water and food supplies to be given to all the participants. An hour before the event, me and three of our Legion members went to picked up the foods and water supplies. We had to ride a huge truck just to carry all the supplies we need for the distribution.
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It was a very tiring yet very rewarding day for all us because we managed to do our job well right from the very beginning down to the last part. We had to attend the event from 1 pm to 12 midnight. We may not be able to watch the entire show from beginning til the end, at least, we did our part and I think that’s really what matters most.
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The cooperation with one another or Team work is exactly the reason why we managed to accomplish our tasks well. Thanks to all of our members who spent their entire day for this highly anticipated event.
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Til next year!

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