All About Drug Addiction

Starting today, i think i will become more busy with my school especially now that our Professor assigned each of us to submit a Thesis. This will be our last project for this school year and he want us to exert all our effort to produce a well written and worth reading thesis.

I remember last year, i took almost a month in preparing for my thesis. I themed up with the issue about Drug addiction. Drug addiction is like an undying issue. It is expected to see this issue from one headline on the newspaper to another from time to time. I am sure the government is doing something to stop it though most of them are not working very effectively.

I also held a survey last year and ask 100 people in support of my thesis. Most of the them believed that changes will start within our homes. Rehab centers play a very important role in controlling the growth of drug addiction in the country. Usually, we wired drug addiction to drugs like shabu and marijuana but actually drug addiction has many forms. Some can be addicted to pain reliever drugs, Diluadid, Demerol, Dexedrine and more. Diliuadid is a kind of pain reliever and can be treated through specialized Diluadid Drug Treatment offered by some rehab centers. There are also available Dexedrine Drug Treatment and Demerol Drug Treatment in some rehab centers. I just don’t know if we have these treatments here in the country. You can find them all mostly in America.

Anyway, i guess i will be reprising this topic again for my thesis this year but in a much comprehensive way.

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