Angels’ Hills In Tagaytay, Cavite
Angels Hills is one of the most popular destinations in Tagaytay especially during the Lent season. It is also one of the places we visited during our Pilgrimage last month. Angels Hills is basically a Retreat and Formation center located in Arnoldus Road, Maitim II East, Tagaytay City, Philippines (just few meters away from The Pink Sister’s Convent).
According to their official site , Angels’ Hills is a community of lay persons committed in a special calling to serve people yearning to encounter God through our humble place and facilities. It is founded in 1999 and covers a total of 2 hectares of land.
The way towards the small chapel. You will be welcomed by a life-size image of Saint Michael the Archangel.
The Chapel’s Main altar
Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes
Life size image of Christ depicting the Resurrection
Another life size images depicting the death of Jesus Christ!
Just find this pathway cute ^_^
The annunciation!
Napaka serene ng place 🙂