Busy Playing

Do you know where i am busy right now? Well, i am currently playing CityVille!

Thanks God my computer is very cooperative today and i am able to open multiple pages while playing this Facebook application. For some reason, i started to love playing facebook applications again. I remember that was late 2009 when everyone are crazy over different Facebook applications including Restaurant City, Pet Society and Mafia Wars. Well,  I am one of them who spent most of the time in playing such games but then i started to feel bored since i am doing the same things almost everyday. Visiting neighbors, adding friends and harvest crops! These are like the normal routines that you have to do everyday in order to earn points and advance on the next level. I decided to give up the games and look for something more interesting.

Just like what i said in my early posts, i am such a game lover. From PSP, Computer, Game Boy to online games! Name It! As long as I find the game interesting, I’ll go grab it and play it! While i am away from the FB world, i spent most of my time playing other games online. I usually play games like FlyFF , Ragnarok or I simply play blackjack online. Flyff and Ragnarok are both online Role Playing Games but you will feel a bit boring when you have reached higher levels. Beating mobs and monsters with no ease will not be so challenging! Online casinos on the other hands really took my interest especially black jack   and Poker because it will measure your intellectual skills and will test how creative and wise you are in making such difficult decisions. If you’re a beginner and do not have any idea about casino card games, you’ll definitely finds it quite complicated but you’ll get used to it soon. But if you like casino games that are less challenging and easy to play with, then you should try to play slots online. They require no skills or techniques in order for you to win! They are what so called game of chances where everything is just a matter of luck! Roulette is a good one too! However, i quit playing these games after i decided to focus more on my blogs!

But now that i am back in the gaming field through City Ville, maybe i will also start searching best online casino. In fact, i started to play Poker and Vegas Games on facebook to warm me up and to prepare my self for such games! Well, I hope to win more bets this time!

Anyway, here’s my City! So if you’re playing this game too, don’t forget to send me some gifts okay?

One thought on “Busy Playing

  • January 14, 2011 at 12:04 pm

    I used to play Restaurant City too. As in, pinaglaruan ko talaga… may lagyan ko ng toilet bowls on both sides of the restaurant door, etc. Imagine, pagpasok mo sa restaurant sa gitna ka ng CR dadaan! Hahaha. Ngayon Sorority life naman, paminsan minsan. Waste of time kasi pag karirin ko talaga. Maglalaba pa ako no. heheh.


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