Desperate Guitarists

trrryI already accepted the fact that I am not gifted with any musical talents and as much as I want to convinced myself that I can eventually learn how to play an instrument (guitar to be specific), i don’t think it will happen anytime soon. First of all, I am not a fast learner and secondly, I find it hard to strum the guitar due to my finger’s tendon injury but I am not giving up on it yet and I know I can find ways soon. For the mean time, I would like yo share you a funny video made by me and my little brother. Well, both of us obviously do not have any knowledge on how to play these string instrument but at least we tried to act like one haha!

A video posted by @bluedreamer1227 on

Like me, my little brother is also eager to learn how to play an instrument. He doesn’t want a rhythm guitar though but an electric guitar so he could be a badass band member someday. My cousin told me that it would be better for him to start off with the basic and so he should try playing the Rhythm guitar first so he can play those chords properly and eventually apply that knowledge when he get his first electric guitar. I am currently looking for some directions to guitar center to check for some interesting discounts if there’s any. Now that my little brother’s birthday is coming soon, I guess he deserves a special treat from his brother right?

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