Philippine Air Force Booths And Exhibits At #PIHABF2016


Aside from the Hot Air Balloon flights and the Car drifting exhibition, another interesting sight during the 20th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta are the overwhelming booths and exhibits administered by Philippine Air Force  and different Aviation students from different schools. The first thing that will catch your attention is the huge booth by Philippine Air force which allows you to see some of the tools and weapons they use during their mission.20160214_074231_Richtone(HDR)tPhoto gallery in PAF booth. I saw some trophies and award plaques on display too.20160214_074249_Richtone(HDR)tA Scaled version of FA-50 Fighter Jet!20160214_074414_Richtone(HDR)tThe Search and Rescue Group Booth. This booth allows you to ride their amphibian and even take a quick drill by climbing up their rescue ladder.20160214_075205_Richtone(HDR)t20160214_074456_Richtone(HDR)THere are some of their High-end tools that they use in their rescue missions.20160214_074603_Richtone(HDR)tBeside the SAR booth is the PAF booth that features various weapons, armors and tools that they often use during their operation. 20160214_074550_Richtone(HDR)THere’s a huge empty missiles on display
20160214_074704_Richtone(HDR)tEmpty hand grenades20160214_074819_Richtone(HDR)t20160214_074832_Richtone(HDR)t20160214_074845_Richtone(HDR)t20160214_074908_Richtone(HDR)tThey also allow people to try on their heavy soon and hold their guns! The officers in charged were even kind enough to offer their service and take a picture of you while striking your great pose while wearing their armors!20160214_080423_Richtone(HDR)ttOf course, my sister and I didn’t waste that opportunity and tried to experience how its like wearing these heavy suits and carrying real guns!20160214_075126_Richtone(HDR)t20160214_075139_Richtone(HDR)tRandom PAF tools on display20160214_080600_Richtone(HDR)t20160214_080716_Richtone(HDR)tThis blue tank is also a showstopper20160214_084934tAnother interesting sight during the event are the small exhibit booths by different Aviation students and agencies. I know nothing about planes but seeing their scaled versions are truly amazing20160214_084941t20160214_084951tscaled version of Cebu Pacific Air
20160214_084957t20160214_085016tGaruda Indonesia20160214_085032tHow about these old airplane models?20160214_085037t20160214_085045t20160214_100206tScaled version of fighter jet20160214_100215t20160214_100235tTank models20160214_100301t20160214_100324tA diorama showing an Airplane under repair20160214_100338r

Next Entry: Real Tanks And Fighter Jets In #PIHABF2016

Hare and Hound Balloon Flight Activities At 20th PIHABF PAF Booths And ExhibitsReal Tanks and Aircrafts

11 thoughts on “Philippine Air Force Booths And Exhibits At #PIHABF2016

  • February 25, 2016 at 10:50 am

    Astig tong exhibit ng Air Force. At maganda rin na pinasuot sa mga bisita yung gears nila. Naalala ko tuloy yung napuntahan kong Aerospace Museum ng Air Force.

  • February 26, 2016 at 6:46 am

    This looks super cool ! I wish this festival happens in India also someday 🙂

  • February 26, 2016 at 6:52 am

    Seems like the AFP brought the whole Air Force museum in Pampanga. The good side here, you can touch the armors and take pictures while in PAF suit.

  • February 26, 2016 at 7:50 am

    Wow so many pictures. I live the filter, it looks manly and though! Great article

  • February 26, 2016 at 8:28 am

    Wow I love how picture friendly is this article and I love the pose you strike with your sister.

  • February 26, 2016 at 3:58 pm

    If ever I have the budget, I would love to visit the Hot Air Balloon Festival and ride one of its balloon and see the colorful sunrise enveloping the whole landscape of Pampanga. Bucketlisted! haha

  • February 26, 2016 at 5:38 pm

    Oh wow, I didn’t know there are so many types of grenades. The plane models look great too, I wouldn’t mind having one of them at home, decorating my living room. 🙂

  • February 27, 2016 at 5:08 pm

    This reminds me of my dad. He used to have many Air Force items scattered around our family home. He was in the UK Royal Air Force so this is has reminded me of him! Looks like you had a great time and I love the pose above!!

  • February 28, 2016 at 11:50 am

    I really wanted to attend this! But I was threatened by the traffic. Are there too many people that you can’t enjoy the views anymore?


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