Upcoming Foundation Day!!
Being the chosen one to organize our companies’ Foundation day, i feel like i shoulder such a huge responsibility. I need to make the event extra special and i do no want my colleagues to be disappointed with the event. I don’t know who the hell point me out to organize such a big event but one thing for sure, they appointed me out because they trust me a lot which makes me so afraid that i might failed to meet their expectations. But at the same time, this is a great challenge to me that will test how good i am in handling such situation. And who knows, maybe i will be commended for this one (i hope so.. haha) Anyway, i still have 3 weeks left to prepare which makes me so stress. Oh my! i think i need to take a testosterone booster to boost my strength and in order to refresh my almost drained brain. LOL. I have to think of something creative that all of them will enjoy. How about some games based on some tv reality shows like “Who wants to be a millionaire” ,”Jeopardy”, and “Fear Factor”? Is iot a good idea? If you have some creative idea on your mind, please don’t hesitate to share it with me! Thanks.