Let’s Explore Manila : The Baywalk

It’s almost 4 pm when we left Intramuros and before leaving Manila, we headed to one last destination, the Baywalk

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Let’s Explore Manila : Baluarte De San Andres And Baluarte De San Diego Of Intramuros

After reminding us our childhood days in Manila Zoo (Check : Let’s Explore Manila : Manila Zoo), we went back

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Let’s Explore Manila : The Manila Zoo And The Current Condition of Mali

After our trip to Rizal Park (Check : Rizal Park) , my brother and I went to another notable destination

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Let’s Explore Manila : The Chinese Garden

We were about to leave Rizal Park to hit our next destination but this wonderfully ornate Chinese-inspired gate took our

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Let’s Explore Manila : Paco Park and Cemetery

After our overnight stay in Go Hotels Otis, we packed our things early and proceed to our next destination in

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Let’s Explore Manila : Fort Santiago

After exploring the different streets of Intramuros, we headed to one of its premier tourist attractions and one of the most

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Let’s Explore Manila : A Journey to the Past ~ Intramuros (Part 2)

One thing I learned when exploring Intramuros is that you cannot explore all the places in one day. There’s just

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Let’s Explore Manila (Prologue)

Last January, a friend offered me a free staycation in a hotel in Manila. It was first of January so

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