San Agustin Museum Lenten Exhibit 2021 (Intramuros, Manila)
After almost a year of being closed to public due to the covid-19 pandemic, San Agustin Museum is finally reopening its doors to visitors while embracing the “new normal” environment. This is just few days after three of the popular sites in Intramuros reopened (including the Casa Manila, Fort Santiago, and the Baluarte de San Diego). The San Agustin Convent Museum (Museo De San Agustin) reopened to public last Wednesday (February 24) with a new Lenten exhibit.
With the theme “Crucificado con Cristo, Resucitado por Cristo” (Crucified with Christ, Resurrected by Christ ), the Lenten exhibit will showcase a collection of processional images from different parishes and camareros depicting the life and passion of Jesus Christ (including the scenes from the Way of the Cross or Via Crucis).
As the museum embraces the new normal, visitors are highly required to follow the health protocols which include the required 2-meter physical distancing and the wearing of face shield and face masks. Visitors will also be refrained from touching any of the displayed images, paintings, and other artifacts in the museum.
Like most of the previous religious exhibits in San Agustin (Check Regina Caeli), the San Agustin Lenten Exhibit 2021 will be showcased in its historic hallway “the Cloister of Procession”. The exhibit runs until April 4, 2021. The museum operates every Wednesdays to Sundays from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. The last entry is an hour before the closing time.
Without further ado, here are the images from the San Agustin Lenten Exhibit 2021
Maria Santissima de la Esperanza Macarena
Mater Dolorosa (Nuestra Señora del Santissimo Rosario Parish of UST Manila)
Mater Dolorosa (Bamboo Organ Church of Las Piñas)
Mater Dolorosa (Basilica Minore of Immaculate Concepcion – Batangas City)
Ecce Homo
San Mateo Evangelista (Saint Matthew)
San Lukas Evangelista (Luke the Evangelist)
San Marcos Evangelista (Mark The Evangelist)
San Juan Evangelista (Saint John the Evangelist)
Saint Peter the Apostle
Saint Andrew the Apostle
Santiago Apostol (Saint James the Great)
Philip The Apostle
Santa Maria Salome
Sta Maria Cleofas
Sta Veronica
Sta Maria Jacobe
Santa Juana
Santa Maria Magdalena
Santa Marta
San Lazaro de Betania
Santa Maria de Betania
San Longhino
San Jose Arimatea
San Nicodemo
Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary and Lazarus of Bethany
Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem
Christ’s Farewell to Mary
Christ’s Farewell to Mary
The Passover of Bread and Wine
Jesus Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane
Betrayal of Judas
The Arrest of Jesus
Jesus Before Caiaphas
Caiaphas (the Sanhedrin trial)
The denial of Peter
The scourging at the pillar
El Santisimo Cristo del Mayor Dolor
Señor Desmayado
La Pacencia
The Crowning with Thorns
Señor Jesus Sentenciado
Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno
Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
Jesus Meets his Grieving Mother
Jesus Meets his Grieving Mother
Tercera Caida (Third Fall)
Mary and John at the foot of the cross
La Pieta
Sacrada Mortaja
Nuestra Señora De los Dolores de Turumba
Mater Dolorosa
Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Porta vaga
Virgen Soledad de Zamora Filipina
Mater Dolorosa
Virgen Delas Angustias
La Birhen Angustia
Things you should know before visiting the Museo San Agustin
►The museum is located in General Luna St of Intramuros. It is adjacent to the San Agustin Church and a few walks away from Casa Manila
►The entrance fee for San Agustin Museum is Php200 for Adults / Php100 for College Students / Php90 for High School Students
►Health and safety protocols must be strictly observed (social distancing, face mask and face shield should be worn)
►Refrain yourself from touching any of the images or displays
►Observe silence
►TAKE NOTE that once you paid for the admission fee, it means that you have access not just to the Lenten Exhibit alone but also to all other exhibitions and gallery in the convent including the upper cloister and the choir loft. (Check my guide in Museo de San Agustin here)
Related Exhibits
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► Santo Niño Exhibits in Cavite
► Pasion Y Gloria Exhibit
► Regina Caeli Exhibit
► Luz De Filipinas: Soledad Lented Exhibit
► IHOM Marian Exhibit
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